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Morocco - France: What will change if "Le Rassemblement National (RN)" wins the French legislative elections?

The possibility of the National Rally (Le Rassemblement National) winning the upcoming legislative elections in France could significantly reshape many aspects of the relationship between Paris and the Maghreb countries. However, while Rabat remains calm, as such a scenario could potentially accelerate France's final recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara, the regime in Algeria is trembling. This is because the French right, across all its factions, refuses to succumb to the grievances and blackmail tactics of the Algerian regime using the memory issue.

admin Thu, 06/20/2024 - 13:24

Eric Ciotti, Rachida Dati Express 'Clear' Position of Les Républicains Party Recognizing Morocco's Sovereignty over its Western Sahara

The president of the party Les Républicains (LR), Eric Ciotti, and Rachida Dati, member of the party and emblematic figure of the French right, expressed the clear position of their formation recognizing the sovereignty of Morocco over its Sahara.

They also stressed, in an interview published Friday by the weekly "Tel Quel", that this major French political party "adheres to the autonomy solution" proposed by the Kingdom.

How France territorially amputated Morocco in favor of Algeria

The consultation of French archives regarding what colonial circles of the time then referred to as the "Question of the Borders," more precisely, the "regions of eastern Morocco that France wanted to attach to its Algerian possession," is clear.

In my previous column , I showed that, for the French authorities in the Protectorate, the belonging of the "Eastern Sahara" to Morocco was evident.

The "civilizing" mission of the European man!

Neocolonialism is not only the reproduction of colonial discourse, but a systematic method that requires packaging the tendency to "civilize the peoples of the South" in the envelope of universal values such as human rights, democracy, and the rule of law.

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