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C24: Decolonization of Moroccan Sahara Has Been Definitively Sealed since 1975 – Amb. Hilale

Bali - Exercising several rights of reply to the provocative and tendentious statements made by Algeria's permanent representative to the UN, Amar Benjama, at the annual seminar of the UN Committee of 24 (C24), Morocco's ambassador to the international organization, Omar Hilale, stressed that the decolonization of the Moroccan Sahara has been definitively sealed since 1975, under the Madrid Agreement.

In Final Judicial Decision, London Court of Appeal Confirms Irrevocable Rejection of 'Polisario' Petition against Morocco-GB Association Agreement

London - The London Court of appeal irrevocably dismissed, on Thursday, the appeal by the pro-separatist NGO "WSC" against a previous decision by the administrative Court, rejecting its application to reconsider the Association Agreement between Morocco and the United Kingdom.

This third setback since last December for the enemies of Morocco's territorial integrity confirms the validity of the association agreement linking the two countries, which benefits the populations and development of all the Kingdom's regions, from north to south.

C-24: Dakhla-Oued Eddahab Vice-President Displays Growing Support to Morocco's Autonomy Plan in Sahara

The vice-president of the Dakhla-Oued Eddahab region, Ghalla Bahiya, underlined, Thursday before the members of the UN Committee of 24 (C24), the growing international support to the legitimacy of Morocco's rights over its southern provinces and to the autonomy plan as the only solution to the regional dispute over the Moroccan Sahara.

Bahiya intervened as the democratically elected representative of the populations of the Moroccan Sahara, at the C24 Pacific region seminar being held in Bali, Indonesia, May 24-26.

Italy Denies Algerian Propaganda, Reiterates Appreciation for Morocco's Serious, Credible Efforts to Settle Moroccan Sahara Issue

Reacting to press reports about the activation by the VFS-Global company of its temporary branch in the city of Tindouf, the Italian embassy in Rabat said that this decision aims to improve and simplify the filing of visa applications, noting that "pop-up" centers will be opened in the coming weeks in other cities in Algeria.

In a statement, Italy's diplomatic representation in Rabat said that this administrative initiative is not related to the Italian position on the Sahara issue.

CIA Document: Algeria wanted a micro-state in Western Sahara to reach the Atlantic

Algeria argues that its position of "support for the self-determination of the Sahrawi people" is the inalienable principle of a country that considers itself an observer in the regional dispute over Western Sahara. However,    declassified CIA documents clearly show that this support is not expressed for the interests of the Polisario.

admin Tue, 05/23/2023 - 16:59

Eric Ciotti, Rachida Dati Express 'Clear' Position of Les Républicains Party Recognizing Morocco's Sovereignty over its Western Sahara

The president of the party Les Républicains (LR), Eric Ciotti, and Rachida Dati, member of the party and emblematic figure of the French right, expressed the clear position of their formation recognizing the sovereignty of Morocco over its Sahara.

They also stressed, in an interview published Friday by the weekly "Tel Quel", that this major French political party "adheres to the autonomy solution" proposed by the Kingdom.