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Italy Denies Algerian Propaganda, Reiterates Appreciation for Morocco's Serious, Credible Efforts to Settle Moroccan Sahara Issue

Italy Denies Algerian Propaganda, Reiterates Appreciation for Morocco's Serious, Credible Efforts to Settle Moroccan Sahara Issue

Reacting to press reports about the activation by the VFS-Global company of its temporary branch in the city of Tindouf, the Italian embassy in Rabat said that this decision aims to improve and simplify the filing of visa applications, noting that "pop-up" centers will be opened in the coming weeks in other cities in Algeria.

In a statement, Italy's diplomatic representation in Rabat said that this administrative initiative is not related to the Italian position on the Sahara issue.

L'Italie dément la propagande algérienne et réitère son appréciation des efforts sérieux et crédibles du Maroc pour le règlement de la question du Sahara marocain


Italy, said the same source, "confirms its position, as expressed in the Declaration on the Multidimensional Strategic Partnership, signed on November 1, 2019 in Rabat, reaffirming the full Italian support to the UN Secretary-General’s efforts to pursue the political process, in accordance with the resolutions of the UN Security Council."

Italy commends, in this regard, the serious and credible efforts led by Morocco within the framework of the United Nations and encourages all parties to continue their commitment in a spirit of realism and compromise, the statement added.

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